
View the Project on GitHub shiaharfiyan/grandeur-core

Welcome to Gandeur LogTrace

Gandeur LogTrace is a simple logging library with nested diagnostic context and mapped diagnostic context to allow easier tracing with customizable config for log appender.


Changes log

    Version 0.1.2
    - Bug fix for logFilter

    Version 0.1.1
    - Update ini manager
    Version 0.1.0
    - Adding filters to logger, print specific log which contains filter

    Version 0.0.9
    - Mapped Diagnostic Context is now part of Context Object (read Log with Mapped Diagnostic Context section below)
    - Improved LogPattern parse routine

Simple Usage

import org.grandeur.logging.LogManager;

public class Sample {
    private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(Sample.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        logger.Info("Hello, its grandeur log trace!");


  "globalPattern": "%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %n %l : %v"


2020/04/17 16:42:06,685 [main] Sample INFO : Hello, its grandeur log trace!

Log with Nested Diagnostic Context

import org.grandeur.logging.DC;
import org.grandeur.logging.LogManager;

public class Sample {
    private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(Sample.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Do something
        logger.Info("Has been updated");
        logger.Info("update completed!");


        try(Context parent = DC.Push("entry")) {
            logger.Info("Hello, its grandeur logtrace!");
            try (Context child = DC.Push("update")) {
                logger.Info("Has been updated");
            logger.Info("update completed!");

Pattern Nested Diagnostic Context

  "globalPattern": "%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] [%c] %n %l : %v"


2020/04/17 14:16:05,550 [main] [entry] Sample INFO : Hello, its grandeur log trace
2020/04/17 14:16:05,550 [main] [update] Sample INFO : Has been updated
2020/04/17 14:16:05,550 [main] [entry] Sample INFO : update completed!

Log with Mapped Diagnostic Context

import org.grandeur.logging.DC;
import org.grandeur.logging.LogManager;

public class Sample {
    private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(Sample.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try(Context parent = DC.Push("entry")) {
            parent.Put("firstname", "harfiyan");
            parent.Put("lastname", "shia");
            logger.Info("Hello, its grandeur logtrace!");
            try (Context child = DC.Push("update")) {
                child.Put("firstname", "example 1");
                logger.Info("Has been updated");
            logger.Info("update completed!");

Pattern Mapped Diagnostic Context

  "globalPattern": "%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] [%c] %n %l : [firstName=%x{firstname}, lastname=%x{lastname}] %v"


2020/04/17 16:04:23,036 [main] [entry] Sample INFO : [firstName=harfiyan, lastname=shia] Hello, its grandeur logtrace!
2020/04/17 16:04:23,037 [main] [update] Sample INFO : [firstName=harfiyan, lastname=shia] Has been updated
2020/04/17 16:04:23,041 [main] [entry] Sample INFO : [firstName=null, lastname=null] update completed!

Config file

By default, this config file will be created during runtime if there’s no any .json file provided and it is required to enable this logging, otherwise only stdout.

Json Config file Default

  "globalPattern": "%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %n %l : %v",
  "loggerList": [
      "bindTo": "*",
      "filters": [
          "method": "Regex",
          "area": "Value",
          "filter": ".*"
      "appenderList": [
          "type": "org.grandeur.logging.appenders.ConsoleLogAppender",
          "level": "info"
          "fileName": "Grandeur",
          "path": "",
          "type": "org.grandeur.logging.appenders.FileLogAppender",
          "level": "info",
          "keeper": {
            "enabled": true,
            "sizeLimit": 104857600,
            "fileToKeep": 20,
            "prefix": null,
            "suffix": null,
            "autoMove": true,
            "autoCreateArchiveFolder": true

Json Config file Description

|Name|Data Type|Notes| |—-|———|—–| | globalPattern | String | Define the log looks like, will be used as default pattern if there’s no specific pattern defined for each appender | | loggerList | Array of Object | | | bindTo | String | Put “*” to bind all Logger, or specify the name of Logger to bind specifically | | filters | Array of Object | | | method | String | how to apply the filter. possible value: StartWith, EndWith, Contains, Equals, NotContains, Regex | | area | String | area of filter will be applied. possible value: Value, Thread, Context, Date, LoggerName, Level; | | filter | String | Acceptable type “com.rhapsody.logging.appenders.FileLogAppender” and “com.rhapsody.logging.appenders.ConsoleLogAppender” or any class extends LogAppender interface | | ignoreCase | boolean | Ignore case for comparing filter to log, lower case everything | | appenderList | Array of Object | | | fileName | String | Name of log, automatically append extension “.log”, only available for “com.rhapsody.logging.appenders.FileLogAppender” | | path | String | Path of Log, automatically create folder, failed if drive not exists | | type | String | Acceptable type “com.rhapsody.logging.appenders.FileLogAppender” and “com.rhapsody.logging.appenders.ConsoleLogAppender” | | level | String | Acceptable type “info”, “error”, “warn”, “debug” | | pattern | String | Define the log looks like | | keeper | Object | Only available for “org.grandeur.logging.appenders.FileLogAppender” | | enabled | boolean | Enable the keeper | | sizeLimit | long | Log file maximum size before archived | | fileToKeep | int | Maximum number of file will be kept | | prefix | String | Append archived log with prefix | | suffix | String | Append archived log with suffix | | autoMove | boolean | Set “true” to automatically move log to archived folder, otherwise “false” | | autoCreateArchiveFolder | boolean | By Default archive folder name will be set to “{fileName}_Archived” and will be created automatically if set to “true”, otherwise “false” |


| Pattern Name | Pattern Type | Pattern Description | |———————-|———————|—————————————————————————| | %d | DateTime | Use Default DateTime Pattern (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)| | %d{datetime_pattern} | DateTime | Specify DateTime with custom “datetime_pattern”, see Java Documentation | | %t | Thread Name | Thread Name which call the logger | | %z | Duration | s,ms | | %c | Nested Context | Display only latest tag within current Context | | %C | Nested Context | Display all tag within current Context | | %n | Log Name | Display Log Name, if use class name, it will display simple name | | %N | Log Name | Display Log Name, if use class name, it will display complete name | | %l | Log Level | INFO, WARN, DEBUG, ERROR | | %i | Nested Context ID | Display only latest Nested Context ID | | %v | Log Message | Content to log | | %x{key} | Mapped Context | Specify “key” to get value of mapped context | | %X | Mapped Context | Display all Mapped Key within current Context |

Maven dependency

Add the following to your pom.xml

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Third-Party Library

Grandeur LogTrace use Gson 2.8.5 ( to load config file. Many thanks to Google!


I will be glad if there is someone wants to contribute and optimize Grandeur LogTrace, make it more efficient and effective. Please contact me